Resources to Aid School-Reluctant Kids

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Triggers of School Refusal: A Story and a Guide

Conquer School Refusal The morning mist clung heavily to the playground, turning the jungle gym into a phantom silhouette. My sneakers crunched on the gravel path, my breath puffing out in little white clouds, my own anxieties mirroring the weather. But that wasn’t the only fog clouding the day. Today, my daughter, usually a chatterbox …

Triggers of School Refusal: A Story and a Guide Read More »

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Tech Tools for Triumph: Apps and Resources to Aid School-Reluctant Kids

Tech Tools for Triumph: Apps and Resources to Aid School-Reluctant Kids As parents navigating the complex landscape of school refusal, the journey can be akin to steering a ship through uncharted waters. The waves of anxiety and uncertainty can feel overwhelming, leaving us in search of a guiding light. Fortunately, in our technology-driven era, that …

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